Hi guys, well as you all know that sometimes scientist can be really crazy. One scientist has invented a piston which looks like an iPhone.
This piston is scheduled to be released during 2017. It seems to be one of the best concealed weapon model till date. The Minnesota- based company which is behind this concept. Said it had developed a foldable casing allowing you to turn something that looks like a regular iPhone into a piston with a single click of a button.
This piston can always be loaded with more bullet through the top. And of course you can fold it to look like a smartphone.
This gun insane gun is a double-barreled.380 gun. It is equipped with quick firing and you can add a laser guided aim to help enhance the speed of operation.
According to the inventor, he said that this gun was made for the purpose of self-defense. He said that the gun only has two shots. Which will make it inappropriate for attacking large group of people. He also added that the gun is made of metals so the can't get through the airport with out being detected.
Alot of people said there is a high risk that such a smartphone-like pistol could easily be taken to school, a theater or on board of an airplane. However, the inventor doesn’t view this as a source of trouble in the future.
As at now the gun has received more than 4000 pre-orders since the announcement.
Tell me what you think about this new gun. Do you think it will be helpful
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