
Cheapest Data Plan For All Smart Phones in October

It’s important you have first class information on what still works and what don’t has changed regarding mobile data connection and speed.

MTN: This telecom mogul recently partnered with Jumia to delivery “Zero free” internet to its mobile user in other to be able to shop online via its app. Its simply means that their partnership will only you surf Jumia site free of charge without any data been deducted from your account. Its available for all mobile platform that supports Jumia app. Once you’ve downloaded Jumia app,send JUMAPP to 131, link via sms will be send to your device.

MTN 1GB from third party seller now goes for N900 depending on where you are getting it from. MTN Beta me data plan of2015MB for N2,015hasn’t change and it works on all devices.

Etisalat/MTN With TweakwareVPN

Etisalat with Tweakware vpn
is currently rocking unlimited…some of you that belong to my whatsapp group are aware while some of you are not aware but all the same

How Can I Set up TweakWare VPN With MTN BBLITED Unlimited Plan or Etisalat SocialPak?

==>Subscribe to the daily BBLITE plan of N70 by dialing *216*7# for daily plan or

==>Subscribe to Etisalat Chat pak with *200*3*3*1*1# #50 or *200*3*3*2*1*1# for the Social pak #100 only.

==>Download and Install tweakware VPN

==>Launch tweakware VPN and tap on the options button located at the top right corner of your screen

==>Select settings from the screen and tap on Bundled Settings

==>After you select the Bundle Settings, another window will appear and then tick Use Bundle Settings and in select bundled settings click etisalat Chat Pack or MTN Bis depending on what you are using.

==>That is all, simply press back and connect it. This Tweakware work better with full speed for both Etissalat Social Me and chat pak, even with MTN Bis.

How can I use it on PC?

You need premium account before you can use it on PC. Glo and Airtel has nothing new to offer only that the Glo network is becoming one of the worst network in Nigeria. I don’t know maybe its my location but it’s so terrible; while Airtel NG internet connection is super fast but cannot be compared to SMILE 4G… at the same time, Airtel are bunch of liers telling you thatN1,500 Blackberry plan gives you 3GB.


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