
Google Assistant Let You Send Money To Your Friends And Family

Google Assistant has been updated with another cool feature that will allow users use the virtual assistant to send money to friends and family via Google Pay.

Earlier this year Google combines Android Pay and Google Wallet into one service called Google Pay and Google Wallet are payment services from Google, the company has combined all its payment systems including the two aforementioned platforms as one under one brand.

Google Pay is a payment service recently launched as a result of the combination of Android Pay and Google Wallet; the tech giant merged these two platforms together into one service.

Right now, Google Pay is working with Assistant to help you make a payment to someone on your contacts list using your iOS or Android device for free.

You need to sign up first for Google Pay before instructing Google Assistant to make a payment, if not, you'll be prompted to do so.

The money will be sent and received by the recipient in few minutes, even if the receiver does not have a Google Pay account.

An email, text message or notification will be sent out to recipients without a Google Pay account, with an option to "cash out" the payment.

The one catch is that you’ll need Google Pay—the company’s answer to Venmo—to actually transfer any money.

Setting up the service is easy, though, and Google Assistant will walk you through the process if you haven’t done it already.

If your friend doesn’t have Pay set up, they’ll still receive a text message or notification to let them know the money is there—they’ll have to set up Google Pay to actually get their money.

The new feature is available now through the Assistant app on iOS or Android in the U.S. And it’s coming to smart speakers like Google Home in the next coming month.


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